Thursday, February 25, 2010

What to do before you die

One goal I hope to accomplish before I die is to go sky diving. The reason Sky diving sounds so appealing to me is because the adrenaline you would get from jumping out of a plane and free falling for a minute would be incredible. Sure, there is a risk of your shoot not opening or it tangling and you falling to your death, but I'm willing to take that chance. Sky diving would be like flying for a certain amount of time. For that short moment in your life, you could just feel free and not have any cares in the world, its just you and the wide open sky. Of course sky diving isn't the only thing I want to do before I die, because I could make a pretty big list of things I want to do, but I definitely think that it is my number one on the list. I hope to soon be able to accomplish this goal along with my many others. Just like in fight club, you have to realize that you cannot wait until later in your life to start living it. You need to live every day like it will be your last, don't postpone what you really want for later in life, get out there and do it while you have the chance to.

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